Recent supporters

Tim B bought 3 Beers.
"Fastest Way to Load Data Into PostgreSQL Using Python" is awesome. Thank you for showing the timings/mem for each time you changed 1 thing at a time (rather than just showing fastest method timings). Also - the generator loader into PG was a total game-changer for me! bought a Beer.
"One Database Transaction Too Many" is a great article. Read it a few times to familiarize myself with the problem and patterns.

Sunny bought 3 Beers.
I really enjoyed your article "Fastest Way to Load Data Into PostgreSQL Using Python". It's easy to follow and your explanations are amazing! Thank you!

Don't step on snek bought 3 Beers.
Great explanations and examples to follow and apply in the real world - thanks!

Someone bought a Beer.
I enjoyed your PostgreSQL Fundamentals series on O'Reilly learning. Thanks!