2023 Energy Check

2023 Energy Check

Dec 31, 2022

I'll get straight into it and say that I drew cards for each month of the 2023 to give us a sense of its overall energy. Scroll to the month that you're interest in and see how it can help you with your plans and goals.

And if you're interested in having a reading of your own, I'd recommend Yearly Outlook or our best deal, the 2-in-1 Reading that combines the Yearly Outlook and a Reading Consultation.


In Perfect Harmony

This month is best celebrated with someone you have vibe with, someone you have good alignment with, and just overall enjoy being with.

Enjoy activities together and strengthen your connection. It's the best way to start the year when you multiply good vibes with company so that you'll attract and magnify this good energy throughout the year.

PS: You're not limited to just one person. So carve out time to connect with all of them all throughout the month, maybe more.


Quieting The Mind

It's hard to know what's real and what's true when you have a chatter box of a mind. So for this mind, the focus is to help calm the overthinker and relax the controller in you.

The answers (or the truth) that you're seeking are really clearer and simpler than what your mind if making it out to be. It's your mind's job to complicate some things anyway, but not for this mind.

So if you don't have any practice yet to help calm your mind, now's the time to have them.

PS: You can join one of my Sound Bath sessions every Wednesday or schedule a time for yourself for activities that help calm your mind.


Bearing Fruit

This month is ripe with gifts for you. You'd be surprised that what you've been expecting and working hard for is finally bearing fruit.

But it's either because you've lost a bit of the excitement or you've just been in a state of flow that you may miss this chance to notice it, acknowledge it, and even celebrate it.

So for this month, give yourself the time to revisit your old work, areas you've invested in, or just check in with people and places to see what changed. Sometimes, just knowing that you've made an impact is enough of a fruit/gift to motivate you again and spark your drive in fulfilling your purpose.

Tip: Write what these fruits are on pieces of paper and place them in a jar. For days when you're feeling unmotivated, go back to this jar to rekindle that spark in you.


Opening To Discovery

Things, life, and what you know of the world don't exist in a vacuum. It's all a collection and an intermingling of your memories, lessons you've learned, and experiences you've gathered.

This month has the energy of newness and creating space for growth. Explore. Branch out. Try new things. Level up your skills.

Be open to new discoveries and expand.

Tip: Join your friend on an activity they enjoy. It's easier to explore new things with company. It's also more fun and makes for memories worth sharing.


A Powerful Move

What were all those plans and overthinking for if not for you to act on them? This month gives you an extra push to take big swings because the energies, lessons, and blessings are especially heightened.

It's not to say that you should be reckless and "YOLO" all around. You have a plan or even a sense of a plan. And this month you can take bigger strides because you have the extra wind behind you to push you forward and extra fire in your core to drive you.

PS: It's not a time to procrastinate. If you've been waiting for a sign to take the first step or the leap, this is it!


Close Encounters

A step up in the intimacy ladder may be highlight of this month and you have the option to take that step because it can go either way (and always for the highest good).

You may allow your stricter boundaries to more fluid in order to accommodate growth and development for yourself and the relationship. You know discomfort and a bit of fear is part of the territory of transformation so it's up to you where you want to take this.

Gentle Reminder: Don't let yourself be to caged in that love itself can't get in.


Exposed & Revealed

This month has in it the risk and opportunity to be vulnerable and be true. Let a little bit of your armor go, at least for this month, and allow people to see a side of you that only you know. You may be surprised that they've known this all along or that they can see more than they let on.

Practicing vulnerability is an act of self-acceptance as well, for showcasing your human-ness and your individuality apart from the ego identity. Inversely, it leads to connection and a better sense of self.

It's one of the most uncomfortable things in the world, to strip yourself naked in front of others. But it's one of the most freeing things, too, because along with stripping would be letting go of some of the baggage you've been clinging on to about your self-image for quite some time.

PS: It's a practice. And for this month, you can either make it happen or let it happen.


Time Machine

It’s easy to forget what you wanted to do when there a lot of distractions vying for your attention. You can expect this month to be like that in general. Focus and grounding will require an extra effort to keep yourself on track and avoid mistakes.

Still, remember that it’s okay to take a step back, backtrack, and even retrace or redo what you’ve done so far. It’s not the time to be harsh on yourself for any detour and misstep you may have taken. Instead, take this time to slow down a bit and even simplify your goals.

It may feel slow and you may feel like you’re wasting time but you’re really not. You’re giving yourself time to breathe. And whatever you do to course correct or reinforce your commitment is a productive use of your time instead of unknowingly going off tangent.

Tip: Focus on the simpler tasks when you feel your energy is slow. Incorporate breath work during trying days, too, and practice self-compassion and patience to avoid compounding any negative feelings brought about distractions and delays.


The Storyteller

This month, remind yourself whose life it is you’re living and who’s telling your story.

Be aware of those who may wish to exert control and influence over you and your actions. Understand that going with the flow doesn’t mean releasing the reins altogether. Going with the flow means adapting to life’s circumstances but it’s not meant to leave you powerless to dictate your life’s story.

You tell the story. That includes even the kinds of words you use to describe your situation, your actions, and yourself. It also includes how to portray others in your story. Are you surrounded by villains or by people who help you grow through friction and struggle?

Tip: Ask yourself each time if yours is a kind tale, a loving tale, a tale of heroism, etc.


A Higher View

For this month, acting on impulse and too much involvement aren't the way to go even though the energy feels like it. Instead, you're invited to take several steps farther back to see the forest for the trees. Better, give yourself a view that's from a higher vantage point that usual to be able to see the situation better and find a way forward.

Ask questions, try to understand, and detach yourself from unnecessary judgment. Practice empathy and compassion to arrive at a better solution. Just because you've already gone down one path isn't an excuse to course correct. Commitment only works if it comes from awareness and not from ego pride.

Mindfulness tip: Check in with yourself if you're still operating from a place of awareness and non-attachment, if your commitment is grounded in truth and not in fear or pride. You have the wisdom of the now and all versions of your past self. You can do this.


The Uncharted Sea

Remind yourself this month that you're guided even through tumultuous and uncertain times. It's a balance when it comes to what you know for certain and what you can trust to the Universe.

Just know that the level of fear or trust you have usually depends on how you're willing to release your attachment to "being clear" with what or where your purpose lies. Much like the uncharted sea, the waves are unpredictable and though you may know your destination, the way towards it can change at the split second.

You can always swim ahead YOLO-style or trust and build on your skills in swimming or navigating your ship. You can choose either way so that it's less of a sea-sickening journey but one that can be filled with adventure and growth.


Sacred Reverence

Symbols have their purpose and traditions likewise so. They are anchored in faith, trust, and belief and in something bigger that our individual self.

This month, celebrate and honor a tradition or symbol that you truly subscribe to and connect to the Universal wisdom and energy behind it. This can be something old in your childhood or something new that was introduced to you this year.

If you've recently just started a practice that works for you, give thanks to the tradition that kept it alive long enough for you to get to know it. If someone has recently inspired you with a gift, celebrate what it represents to you.

End of years are always an opportunity to give thanks to what has allowed us to grow, love, and be open. Let's this kind of loving practice.


What month are you most looking forward to this 2023?

And if you want to have get your 2023 snapshot, send me a DM via my Instagram page @guidedspreads.

Happy New Year!


Oracle Cards: Oracle of the 7 Energies

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