Welcome to the revamped Guitar Inspirati ...

Welcome to the revamped Guitar Inspiration!

Feb 22, 2024

Hey everyone! As you might have noticed, things look a little different on www.guitar-inspiration.com. Don’t worry; you haven’t stumbled into the wrong guitar multiverse! Guitar Inspiration has undergone a bit of a makeover, shifting gears from its previous blog format to a more structured and focused website.

Why The change?

While the blog served us well for some time, I felt it was time to streamline and elevate the learning experience for you. The new website structure has been designed with one key goal in mind: making it easier for you to find the guitar solos and lessons you’re seeking.

Navigating Guitar Inspiration

Use the familiar menu to explore my guitar solos (organized by genre), or guitar lessons (organized by topic). Each lesson includes a video and a free lesson guide or tab. Additionally, each lesson is now connected to other resources available on the webshop, such as play-along packages with Guitar Pro tabs or downloadable jam tracks.

What lies ahead

This newly upgraded website marks just the start! I am dedicated to bringing in fresh content, enhancing the platform according to your feedback, and ultimately creating an inspiring learning experience for guitarists of all levels. Therefore, stick around and join the Guitar Inspiration journey!


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