learning HTML Part 0 [FUNDAMENTALS]

learning HTML Part 0 [FUNDAMENTALS]

Mar 15, 2021

What is HTML? - Web development basics

1-To view a web page, we enter its URL (Uniform Resource Locator) into the browser’s address bar.

What is a URL (Uniform Resource Locator)?

2-HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) is a set of rules that clients and servers use to communicate and exchange data

When you visit a website, your browser (client) sends an HTTP request to the server and receives an HTTP response. The response includes an HTML document that represents the page you’re visiting. The browser reads the HTML document to construct a Document Object Model (an in-memory representation of the elements on the page). Once the DOM is ready, the browser renders (displays) the target page.

HTML shorter of Hypertext Markup Language is a markup language used to define the structure and contents of web pages.

To view the HTML behind a web page, we right-click on the page and select View Source or View Page Source.

Enable 'Inspect Element' in the Edge Browser to View Source | Thomas'  Miniblog

An HTML document consists of a DOCTYPE declaration that specifies the version of HTML being used followed by a tree (hierarchy) of elements that define the structure and content of the document.

) | by Phani Kumar | Medium">

The root element in an HTML document is the HTML element which always includes a head and a body element. The head element contains information about the page

Most HTML elements include an opening and closing tag


Some awesome resources for learning HTML between hundred of free videos:

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