How can we connect with ourselves?

How can we connect with ourselves?

Nov 12, 2022

Hello and welcome back!

The question above is something I have often been asked since the release of my books, as in them I talk about how I came back to myself and rediscovered what brings me joy. For me, it was a long process - I really had to sit with myself (which was often uncomfortable) and get in touch with what lights my fire. So today, I am going to share with you four tips which I have included in my workshop, "Write Yourself Home":


The saying "we don't stop playing because we grow old, we grow old because we stop playing" (George Bernard Shaw) rings so true with me. Making time to play is vital in releasing stress and being present in the moment. So, those things you used to love as a child? Do them again, freely and often!

Play on the swings, jump in puddles, juggle, dance... whatever you love, make time for that.


Whether you consider yourself artistic or creative, have a try - drawing, painting, knitting, writing. Again, it is a good way to be present in the moment as you are focusing on what you are creating. It is also a good way exploring how you are feeling and expressing yourself.

Allow space for creativity to flow, however it may come.

Take Notice

The world can be an overwhelming and noisy place. One way to quieten the noise, is to start taking notice of what is around you. Consciously look out for the little things that bring you joy - whether it's seeing a robin in the park (always makes me smile), seeing flowers, listening to a river flowing, the smell of your first coffee of the day - embrace them.

Notice them, celebrate them and share them with others.


"You cannot pour from an empty cup".

You are the most important person to nourish and care for, as you cannot meet the needs of others if you are exhausted. It is so important to take time for yourself, even if it's just five minutes to enjoy a quiet coffee.

Can you fit these activities into your daily life? Do you already have a creative practice which helps you? Hoe else do you become more present in your day? I would love to hear your thoughts and experiences - please do comment below.

With much love, as always,

Anna x x

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