Recent supporters

Someone bought a coffee.
Thanks for all the great content! Looking forward to the 10th mission :D

LdV_007 bought a coffee.
Love the levels (only on Level 1). I was so shocked and disappointed to find out there were no storyline campaign issues in the full version, after enjoying them so much in the demo. Thank you for making this. I hope you make more.

Someone bought 6 coffees.
You should sell these missions one by one on Gumroad or something. No donations. 1-3 euros for one mission/scenario or something like that. Make some nice money to make more missions. I can see some very thoughtful and far-sighted things in these missions you made. Would be interesting to read about your thought process while creating each mission and compare it to mine after playing. Thank you for your work.
Hi, thank you for support. I actually thought that something like this can be done on coop mode, but still need to think it about it because some people will probably do not like this.

I do not like coop mode, but that's for you to decide. And I would ignore the people who do not want to exchange the price of a single coffee for so much entertainment you provide.