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Members at the Explorer tier will gain custom, season specific stickers at the end of every season. Additionally, members at the Explorer tier will gain a 50% off discount for stickers from previous Epikast seasons that are still in stock.
Free & Discounted Stickers!
Listing in Show Credits!
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Members at the Adventurer tier will gain access to the GM’s notes for each season of the Epikast, as well as can submit a critical hit/fumble for use in the show! This means you get a free module at the end of each season, as well as access to the Kiinos World Guide.
Access to the GM Notes and Fate Pool!
Submit Critical Hit/Fumble Results!
Kestrel Files Post-Season Q&A episodes!
All Explorer tier rewards
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À propos Gravestone Productions
creating scripted and unscripted audio fiction podcasts.
Gravestone Productions is focused on providing entertaining and narrative driven scripted and unscripted audio content perfect for passing time during your daily commute, running errands, and even long road-trips.
Donateurs récents
Zachary Roullier est désormais membre.
love the show!
Thank you for the support Zachary! So glad you're enjoying it! 😊