About Graeme Rendall
researching and writing books on both aviation and UAP topics.
Hello! 👋 Researching and writing books tends to be thirsty work. I go through several coffees a day - maybe that's why every so often I have difficulty sleeping? :) One of these days, someone will invent "Buy Me A Beer" - and then there'll be trouble... oh, wait, it's already been done. Anyway, my voice needs lubrication, as I've taken the plunge and started a podcast - well, my mate Dave Partridge from UAP Media UK and I are co-hosting it. Look for Unidentified Aerial Podcast where you get your content from and give it a listen... it's not on YouTube, as if you can see the photo above, you'll gather I've got a face for radio. ;)
Recent supporters
Someone recently asked me on Twitter how I manage to write something like "Flying Saucer Fever". I'd be lying if I said it was easy, although the actual process of "writing" isn't too difficult for me - the motivation is there, I'm used to the mechanics of it and don't let books go to publishing before I'm completely happy with the finished article. Coming up with a plausible and readable narrativ...
Writing process
May 02, 2022