Online classes coming soon!

Online classes coming soon!

Mar 17, 2020

I’ve just dropped an announcement on my Facebook page sharing my newest venture - online learning!

It was something that has been on my mind for awhile. As someone who’s been around for a few years now, I have definitely noticed an uptake in enquiries from casual workers and shift workers, that often find it hard to commit to a weekly class.

I try to teach across regional and rural areas of Tasmania as much as possible, and I absolutely LOVE this experience. But I know that I just can’t meet the demand to travel as frequently. It’s a bit of a one woman operation (at the moment!).

The coronavirus and mental health

As artists and performers I know that we are also kidding ourselves if we think that the coronavirus won’t have an impact on our work.

But. I’m almost as - if not more - concerned about the impact on the mental health of my students, fans and loved ones if we do start to move into more social distancing and isolation.

For all the shit stuff about social media, one of it’s saving graces is bringing communities together around shared interests and passions. Letting you find 'your ‘tribe’ online - when you might not have one physically in your backyard.

Each class has a playlist broken into:

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