Membership Tiers (Spicy Honey Heart)

Membership Tiers (Spicy Honey Heart)

Mar 19, 2021

Buy me a Coffee updated the site and now it's possible to make membership levels! And what better time to make my first post?

I've introduced 4 membership tiers that have rewards all related to my digital practice, Spicy Honey Heart. My studio is making good progress, but still not quite there for offering content. When the time comes, I'm going to see if it's possible to have membership levels for Willowind Studios offered with similar rates and separately... if not, they may start at a value of $6, but let's dial back to SHH Content for now.

As I said, SHH covers my digital practice, where I release paintings, photo manipulations and graphics to my print-on-demand platforms, Society6 and Redbubble. Each tier's got something different, so I hope you take a look and see if there's something that interests you. Rates start at $2, so not at all bad! If not, and you want to support me with a one-time donation of lifesblood, or want to purchase a perk, that would be awesome too!

Be sure to follow me on FB, IG & Twitter for any updates to come, otherwise members can expect an email notification. 'Til then, take care!


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