Hello, I'm the n00bie coder behind the gorbash1370 on GitHub. My GitHub presence is about learning and sharing in the fields of CyberSecurity, Networking, and programming (mainly Python, MySQL, and JavaScript).
I am self-taught, mainly relying on textbooks supercharged by our new LLM friends.
My GitHub repository is a documentation of my learning progress. I'm motivated by doing practical things with code, even if they are simple in syntax and modest in aim.
I very much Learn-By-Do and all my scripts were developed either to solve a problem I had or to optimise / automate something tedious. I figure maybe some other people have the same jobs to do! So, I offer my scripts and projects with the hope that they might be of use to others.
Even if my code is not particularly advanced, at least it might save someone else the time. Mostly though, I just want to contribute to the Open Source community which is so generous, talented and from which we all benefit!
If you find any of my projects helpful, my number one request would be for any positive or even just constructive feedback, and for that alone.
However, if you're really motivated to show some additional appreciation, I rarely ever turn down a brew: any donations to the caffeine fund will keep me going as I try to find my way out of which ever over-engineered script I've gotten lost in!
Thanks so much for your interest and support :-)
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