Hi there! with your "coffee" you will help me inmensely on keep creating more and better creatures. To keep on learning to become a better artist and improving all my content for you.
My goal is to gather a big family of magical creatures´ lovers and share with all of you not only my creations but Step by step art tutorials, complete bestiaries and relevant info about mythical creatures from all around the world, interesting podcasts and much more!!! but for all this I really need more time in order to focus on creating awesome content and that´s where you can inmensely help me with one and each of your "coffees".
Your help will not only allow me to keep learning and enhancing my artdolls but also to keep making this dream come true.
Neueste Supporter
Tomás Mejías (Primordios) hat 3 coffees gekauft.
🌠I love your art. ¡Gracias por ayudarme a crear mis sueños también!
Amanda Fleming hat ein coffee gekauft.
Love your dolls. Hope to get one someday.
Someone hat ein coffee gekauft.
Miguel-Elisardo Bueno González hat ein coffee gekauft.