The great Krallonian War

The great Krallonian War

May 31, 2021

**Note: This photo is just a reference. Photo's not mine. I'll release an illustration of the war soon.

Because of the growing number of the Krallons and the Stregos, their food supply started to run low, and the Stregos waged war against their offspring's, the Krallons. Due to their lack in physical prowess against their ancestors, the Krallons can't win the war and was forced to stay away from the territories and hunting grounds of the Stregos, and some Krallon warriors that survived the war were enslaved and imprisoned.

It so happened that when the Krallons evacuated on the icy shores of Glaerromar which is west of the center of the region, they met another race, the Arkharns, which was also forced to move out from their territory by the Stregos. The two races forged a pact and joined forces to conquer their foe and free their prisoners. They spend years of preparation for their biggest battle and it was also at this time that the smallest blood brethren of the Krallons, the Caprans discovered the rune stones and started harnessing it's power and so shamanism was founded. The Krallons used the rune stone as totems and trinkets to control the four elements (wind, water, fire and earth). During this era, the Krallons also discovered iron, they used fire to melt iron ingots and shape them into weapons and armor.

It was 15,000 years ago when the Krallons and Arkharns built an army of warriors and shamans marching into the Stregos' territories hungry for blood and vengeance. And so the war started. Blood was spilled on that very day, the allied army was victorious, and some of the surviving Stregos fled and escaped with their lives into their cavern network never wishing to come back. Both parties forged and signed a treaty to split the region into two territories, where the western part will be ruled by the Arkharns and the east to the Krallons.

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