Reflections on the Important Things

Reflections on the Important Things

Dec 28, 2023

PoetrySoup has produced its third anthology–Reflections on the Important Things. I am honored that three of my poems, "My Memories," "The Emperor Has No Prose," and "Love Immutable," are included. All poems submitted are published as each poet's original work and under each poet's copyright. This anthology is published by PoetrySoup and Arczis Web Technologies, Inc.

Reflections on the Important Things is a collection of over 500 poems on important life subjects such as nature, faith, mental health, romance, in memoriam, and humor. These beautiful poems were written by various poets from all over the world. Almost 2000 poems were submitted for consideration. The editors of chose a fraction of these for inclusion.

As stated in the anthology's description on, "The contemporary poets in this anthology are members of the website. PoetrySoup is a vast international community of about 42,000+ poets. It is known for its loyal, robust, welcoming, and growing community of poets (called Soupers). However, none of the poets in this anthology are personally known to the editors and selection committee. They are united by the fact that they are “Soupers” or members of the PoetrySoup community."

Here is one of my light verse poems that is included in the anthology:

The Emperor Has No Prose

An emperor spoke in poetic verse
Which led to fame for him at first
But after some time became a curse
For the Emperor had no prose.

Poetic measure determined his fate
The body politic could not relate
Leaving people in a befuddled state
Yes, the Emperor had no prose.

Seeking solutions from all his wise men
Beseeching them each again and again
"When will poetic proclivity end?
For I'm the Emperor and have no prose!"

Long and hard, the wise men thought
With no answers to the solutions sought
So they hemmed and hawed, yelled, argued and fought,
Still, the Emperor had no prose.

The Emperor ended his quest in time
No cure for his affliction could he find
Relinquished the throne and became a mime
At least he was able to pose!

. . .

Get ready to read some diverse poetry! You can buy the anthology on

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