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Include le funzionalità di Discord

  • Shout out for new members

  • Access to the BMAC Sustainers-only channel on Discord

  • Our undying gratitude

Royal Kingsguard

Limitati (0 of 8 rimanenti)

Include le funzionalità di Discord

  • Everything we offer, you shall receive

Knight of the Realm

Limitati (0 of 8 rimanenti)

Include le funzionalità di Discord

  • Regular episodes a day early

  • Ad-free weekly episodes

  • Shout out for new members

  • You give us a topic and we'll discuss it just for you

  • Extended Episodes

  • Wildfire-Side Chat Access. Videos of Simon and Mac discussing topics provided by our sustainers.

  • Invitation to live video chats TWICE per year

  • Access to the BMAC Sustainers-only channel on Discord

  • Undying gratitude

Hedge Knight


Include le funzionalità di Discord

  • Regular episodes a day early

  • Ad-free weekly episodes

  • Shout out for new members

  • Access to the BMAC Sustainers-only channel on Discord

  • Undying gratitude

Lord Paramount

Limitati (0 of 3 rimanenti)

Include le funzionalità di Discord

  • Invitation to ALL of our LIVE video chats

  • YOU write the episode summary, we read it! (Episodes of our choosing)

Landed Knight


Include le funzionalità di Discord

  • Regular episodes a day early

  • Ad-free weekly episodes

  • Extended Episodes

  • Invitation to LIVE video chats TWICE per year

  • Wildfire-Side Chat Access

  • Shout out for new members

  • Access to the BMAC Sustainers-only channel on Discord

  • Undying gratitude

Small Council


Include le funzionalità di Discord

  • In-episode spoiler discussions.

  • You contribute to the show! Send us your thoughts on chapters, we might include it in our discussion and attribute you.