Dark Night and Spiritual Attacks

Dark Night and Spiritual Attacks

Aug 03, 2024

Transitions in life, whether they are spiritual, personal, or professional, often come with heightened challenges. One particularly intense phenomenon experienced during significant spiritual transitions is the occurrence of amplified spiritual attacks. These attacks, while daunting, are often indicative of imminent growth and transformation. Understanding their nature, purpose, and how to navigate them can turn these trying times into powerful catalysts for evolution.

Spiritual attacks are disturbances that target our mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. They can manifest in various forms, including negative thoughts, overwhelming emotions, physical ailments, and external conflicts. These attacks often feel like an unseen force working against us, creating barriers and challenges that test our resolve and faith. Could it be this is a war between our old self and the new? The fight of doppelgangers to the death? Do we hold ourself back?

Resistance to change is the ego, which is our sense of individual identity, often resists change. As we approach significant transitions, especially those involving spiritual growth, the ego can react defensively, amplifying fears, doubts, and anxieties to maintain the status quo. Letting go is very difficult. I lost my beautiful dog recently and how painful that was. It was really like the death of a beloved daughter. My better half was so effected, he wrote a song for her the night before she passed away and here it is below. She got a beautiful send off, because we played it as she drifted from us. I think about her all the time and miss her so much still. Please take a moment of silence and listen to her song, we would love to hear how it touches people who watch.

The other reason the spiritual attacks amplify is that it is a crucible, a testing and initiation so we can become resilient it tests our fortitude and we are tested spiritually as well. It can be a very tough period. We draw closer to a spiritual way when this happens because it feels like there is nothing to hang on to. In a near death experience what can you hold onto but your creator. It should not be that way, but sometimes it is just that. Think about the very process of birth and death they are sometimes harsh, painful and or life threatening. It rarely is a calm experience. I heard it makes it easier if we just do not fight it. I am getting there quickly.

Physical manifestations that happen during this experience can range from headaches and odd symptoms that arise out of no where can cause depression. I have had a headache for about 3 days not fun, and I should mention that I never have them. Failure to maintain a positive out look also because of these things that are happening. I share this because you may be hearing people talk about Ascension symptoms and this is what they are talking about.

Relationships may become strained, and conflicts with loved ones, family and colleagues, or strangers may intensify. These conflicts can feel like constant battles, draining your energy and focus. I had a job last year that was an energy suck and honest to God, I needed like 5 coffees a day just to endure this toxic place. The people were toxic except 1 person who I will connect with after this transition. It was painful and I honestly felt like it was so hostile and most all the people there were snakes. Arguments, tears, sadness in relationships in my case those who gave did not always give with the best intentions and I could feel it. I could feel the heart energy.

I heard it said that when you ask for money it may well end the relationship. I can see in a few cases this is truth. Perhaps this initiation was about showing me the truth in my relationships. Not every one is ready for this kind of transition but at some point they will go through it when they are deemed ready mentally, emotionally, physically. Some of you reading this may not even know that you have entered this situation and you will need this information. I hope it serves a good purpose, and you can identify what is happening.

Some may experience a spiritual disconnection altogether, what may have gave you comfort once, going to church, or spirtual practices seem just empty. In my case I am drawing close to my spiritual team and they are guiding me in ways that I never thought of. I will go into this later it is rather sacred but it was surprising even to me, and my better half still cannot really understand it.

These attacks can be a gift and serve a purpose. While amplified spiritual attacks can be harrowing, they often precede profound breakthroughs. These challenges are opportunities for deep inner work, shedding old patterns, and emerging stronger and more aligned with your true self. By facing and overcoming these attacks, you not only advance on your spiritual path but also gain valuable insights and wisdom that can guide you in future transitions.

Amplified spiritual attacks before transition are a natural part of the spiritual journey. They serve as both tests and teachers, pushing us to confront our fears, doubts, and limitations. By understanding their nature and purpose, and employing strategies to navigate them, we can transform these challenging experiences into powerful catalysts for growth and enlightenment. Embrace the crucible of transformation with courage and faith, knowing that on the other side lies a deeper connection to your true self and the divine.

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