Free speech transgresses its legitimate limits, when it is abused to advocate, promote, justify or condone the violation of anyone’s civil rights and right to self-determination in the past, present or future. Because those who argue to deny others their civil rights or right to self-determination, cannot expect to have their own civil rights or right to self-determination protected.
There is no civil right to a certain version of history.
Uniqueness: Never before in the history of mankind has the writing of history been expressly regulated by penal laws threatening dissidents with incarceration, and their works to be banned and burned.
Perversion: In Europe's dark past, minorities were persecuted, dissidents imprisoned and books burned. To prevent this from happening again, many Western governments today feel obligated to persecute minorities, imprison dissidents and burn books.
Those who argue that peaceful dissidents on any issue, historical or otherwise, should be deprived of their civil rights (censored, banned, incarcerated), are nothing else but tyrants (if enacting laws to support their oppressive deeds) or terrorists (if acting outside the law).
Now that I have figured out how to contact donors, I strive to thank every donor individually as soon as I can. Also, feel free to contact me through Twitter/X @germarrudolf, or using the contact info listed on my personal website at germarrudolf dot com.
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