God & The Great Reset Repositioning God ...

God & The Great Reset Repositioning God & the God Concept for the Great Reset

Jun 14, 2023

(Thread) 🧵 "God & The Great Reset: Repositioning God for a New Age"

Part 1: The Misinterpretations of the Past

1/ Hello, Twitterverse! 👋 Today, I want to delve into the intriguing concept of redefining God for the Great Reset. Join me on this journey of theological exploration and unity. #GodAndTheGreatReset

2/ We've witnessed the conflicts and strife caused by religious differences throughout history. It's time to correct the misinterpretations that have fueled these divisions and hindered our progress. #ReligiousUnity

3/ Amidst a pandemic, financial crisis, and rapid technological advancements, humanity finds itself at a crossroads. The Great Reset offers a potential way forward, guided by science, technology, and brilliant minds. #TheGreatReset

4/ However, the path is not without obstacles. Some fear that the Great Reset is an evil force aimed at capturing freedom and enslaving our souls. Let's explore these concerns and seek a rational understanding. #RationalThinking

5/ Conspiracy theorists warn of a future with cyborgs, genetic mutations, and control through digital currencies. While I reject these theories, it's important to address the underlying fear and ignorance surrounding technological advancements. #EmbracingChange

6/ We are in a pivotal moment, facing existential threats like climate change, wars, revolutions, poverty, and civil unrest. Trust in our leaders and institutions is eroding, and we need a new direction. #CollectiveAction

Part 2: The Need for a Rational Examination

7/ Amidst the challenges faced by the Great Reset, one significant concern lies in religious fear and ignorance. Many believe that this transformation goes against God's will. It's time for a rational examination of the true nature of God. #RedefiningGod

8/ Different religions hold conflicting beliefs about God, leading to violence and strife. We need a unifying foundation that unites all believers, including Christians, Jews, and Muslims. This foundation must be based on truth and understanding. #ReligiousHarmony

9/ Each of us carries within us a seed of God, planted during our childhood. It's time to set this "God-virus" free by crushing limiting beliefs and replacing them with truth. This will pave the way for a new world religion based on unity and truth. #UnityInBeliefs

10/ As someone who has studied various religions for over 50 years, I offer my perspective on this matter. I have delved into the Hebrew Torah, the oldest religious text, to explore the origins of our monotheistic faiths. #InterfaithDialogue

11/ Our journey begins with a reexamination of Genesis, the very beginning of the Abrahamic faiths. By retracing our steps, we can uncover the truth and dispel misunderstandings that have led us astray. #GoingBackToTheRoots

Part 3: Defining God for a New Age

12/ To redefine God, we must understand that God, if existing, is omnipotent, omnipresent, and perfect. We cannot impose our own flawed judgments on God; we must seek a perspective that aligns with these qualities of perfection. #DivinePerfection

13/ Our perception of God's involvement in our lives, freewill, judgment, punishment, and blessings will be explored further. It's crucial to establish a clear understanding of God's nature as we embark on the path to becoming godlike on this planet. #GodlyTransformation

14/ Redefining God offers immense benefits, including unity among believers and the resolution of religious conflicts. We must acknowledge that the truth lies at the core of our beliefs and that the pursuit of truth unites us all. #SeekingTruth

15/ In this ever-changing world, where challenges loom large, let us open our minds and hearts to repositioning God for the Great Reset. Together, we can bridge the divides and create a future of harmony and progress. #GodForTheFuture

16/ Join me on this journey as we redefine our understanding of God and work towards a world that embraces unity, truth, and technological advancements. Together, we can shape a brighter future for all. #RedefiningBeliefs

End of Thread. Stay tuned for more thought-provoking discussions. Share your insights and let's engage in a constructive dialogue. #GodAndTheGreatReset.......


(Thread) 🧵 "Reevaluating Adam and Eve, Cain and Abel: The Truth in Genesis"

Part 2: Unveiling the Benevolence of God

1/ Welcome back to the exploration of Genesis. In this part, we delve into the story of Adam and Eve, Cain and Abel, and uncover the benevolence and wisdom of God. Let's challenge traditional interpretations and seek a deeper understanding. #GenesisTruths

2/ The story of Creation, in my opinion, falls short of depicting the magnificence of the Creator. However, it is through Adam and Eve that I sensed the true benevolence of God. Allow me to explain. #DivineWisdom

3/ God created man and woman, granting them the gift of freewill. He warned them not to eat from the tree of knowledge, but being perfect, God knew they would disobey. Here lies the profound choice given to Eve by one of God's creations, the serpent. #PowerOfChoice

4/ Eve made her choice to gain knowledge of good and evil, and it wasn't a punishment that led to their exit from the Garden of Eden. Rather, it was a conscious decision made by humanity to embrace a more challenging yet fulfilling path. We desired knowledge. #QuestForKnowledge

5/ This interpretation challenges the notion that Adam and Eve were tricked or deceived. We must understand that they received what they desired—a deeper understanding of the world. The exit from the Garden was not God's vengeance, but our own choice. #PersonalResponsibility

6/ Moving on to the story of Cain and Abel, where Cain kills his brother out of jealousy. Surprisingly, God shows mercy and spares Cain, marking him so that he may wander without being harmed. God had already forgiven Adam, Eve, and Cain, teaching us about compassion. #DivineMercy

7/ Through these narratives, God demonstrates love, compassion, and forgiveness. They showcase humanity's free will and the responsibility we hold for our actions. God does not endorse or command killings; rather, we are called to judge fairly, just as God did. #DivineJustice

8/ It is crucial to recognize that the later writings in religious texts may contain man-made additions and embellishments. The original blessings and covenants from God hold the true essence of divine wisdom. #SeekingTruth

9/ Genesis 9 unveils an everlasting covenant between God and humanity. God blesses Noah and his sons, not with religious instructions or conditions, but with a universal blessing to be fruitful and multiply. This shows that God does not endorse one religion over another. #UniversalBlessing

10/ The covenant promises that God will never destroy humanity again, as stated in "everlasting generations." God's love and mercy prevail, and any claim that commands killing in the name of God is a distortion of the truth. #DivineLove

11/ We must understand that God does not intervene in our daily lives, despite what later religious writings may suggest. The power to judge, punish, or forgive rests with us, as demonstrated in the story of Cain and Abel. #HumanResponsibility

12/ The covenant established by God is a promise for all time. It's a reminder that God does not seek to harm or destroy us, but to bless and guide us. Let go of the notions of vengeful gods and embrace the loving and merciful nature of the true Divine. #EmbracingDivineLove

13/ In conclusion, the stories of Adam and Eve, Cain and Abel, unveil the benevolence and wisdom of God. They remind us of our power of choice, the importance of compassion, and the need for fair judgment. Let us seek the essence of these narratives and embrace divine love. #DivineWisdom

14/ Stay tuned for the final part, where we'll explore the significance of God's blessings and delve into the implications for religion and society. Share your thoughts and insights, and let's continue this journey together. #GenesisUnveiled

End of Part 2. Stay tuned for the final part of the thread. #SeekingDivineWisdom

1/ Welcome back to the final part of our exploration into redefining God for the Great Reset. In this part, we delve into the significance of God's blessings and their implications for religion and society. Let's continue the journey. #RedefiningGod

2/ After the blessings bestowed upon Noah and his descendants in Genesis 9, we must ponder their universal nature. God's blessing, "be fruitful and multiply," is not limited to a specific group or religion but encompasses all of humanity. #UniversalBlessing

3/ It is essential to understand that God's blessing does not guarantee equal material circumstances for everyone. However, it highlights the equal worth and value of every human soul in the eyes of God. All are equally blessed, regardless of their worldly possessions. #EqualWorth

4/ This understanding challenges the notion that certain individuals or groups are favored by God over others. The truth is that God's blessing encompasses all, including atheists, Jews, Christians, Muslims, and people of all faiths or no faith at all. #InclusiveDivinity

5/ The absence of religious instructions or conditions in God's initial blessing is significant. It implies that God does not endorse any particular religious dogma or demand specific worship practices. God's blessing is universal and transcends religious boundaries. #BeyondReligions

6/ Later religious writings, added by human authors, may contain rules, rituals, and divisions among different faiths. However, these additions should not overshadow the universal blessing and covenant established by God in the early stages of human existence. #ReturningToRoots

7/ We must reflect on the implications of God's universal blessing and covenant for our understanding of religion and society. It challenges us to embrace inclusivity, respect diversity, and foster harmony among all people, regardless of their religious beliefs. #UnityInDiversity

8/ The idea that God does not intervene in our daily lives, as revealed in Genesis, invites us to take responsibility for our actions and decisions. We become the stewards of our own destinies, guided by the principles of justice, compassion, and love. #HumanResponsibility

9/ Embracing the concept that God does not endorse or command killings, we must reject any notion that violence or aggression can be justified in the name of God. The true essence of divinity lies in peaceful coexistence, understanding, and respect for one another. #DivinePeace

10/ The redefined understanding of God presented here carries significant implications for religion and society. It calls for a departure from divisive doctrines and a return to the core principles of love, compassion, unity, and equality. #TransformingBeliefs

11/ As we navigate the Great Reset, characterized by technological advancements, societal challenges, and a call for unity, let us redefine our perception of God. Let us embrace a universal, inclusive, and compassionate divinity that unites humanity. #GodForTheGreatReset

12/ In conclusion, redefining God for the Great Reset involves recognizing the universal blessing, the absence of religious bias, and the responsibility we hold as stewards of our own destinies. It challenges us to foster unity, love, and compassion in an ever-changing world. #RedefiningDivinity

13/ Thank you for joining me on this journey of rediscovery and redefinition. Let's continue exploring and discussing these profound ideas, fostering a world where God's essence is understood and practiced in ways that unite and uplift humanity. #RedefiningGodTogether

End of Thread. Keep seeking the truth and promoting unity and love. Let's make the Great Reset a time of transformation and positive change. #GodAndTheGreatReset

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