I love helping others with board games. That usually takes the form of teaching others about board games or helping people find games to fit their needs.
My name is Ken, and I love board games. I love the way they make me think. I love figuring out a strategy to win. I love learning the rules and seeing the game in action. But most of all, I love helping others with board games. That usually takes the form of teaching others about board games or helping people find games to fit their needs. It also takes the form of editing, proofreading, playtesting, and providing feedback to game designers and publishers.
I devote hours to playing games with others, teaching games, creating and fostering a community, and spreading love of the hobby. I'm a proud member of Punchboard Media and I take the slogan to heart - Where we all bring something to the table. Everyone is welcome at my game table: young or old, new to the hobby or a veteran, casual or committed.
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