TurbulencetoTriumph.exe Loading . . .

TurbulencetoTriumph.exe Loading . . .

Apr 01, 2024

Yo, Folk of the World,

Mav reporting from somewhere out Yonder, and I’m, stirring the pot with some updates and a call to connect that’s hotter than a Scotch Bonnet pepper on the sidewalk in July in South Flawed, ya heard me?.

Here’s the lowdown: 

I’m embarking on an another chapter in my life, but this time, Data Privacy within the Cannabis industry.

Think of me as The Captain setting sail into uncharted waters, with a mission to safeguard the data that is long overdue to secure and protect.

(It's been a long ass time coming...)

But — every Captain needs a Crew, and that’s where Y’all come in. 

I’m on the lookout for:

* A Business Mentor: Need someone who’s charted these waters before. If you’ve built a consulting firm from the ground up, let’s talk. Your wisdom is my treasure map.

* A Mentor in Cannabis: Looking for a titan of the trade, especially powerhouse women who’ve navigated the cannabis cosmos. Your knowledge is my compass.

* Legal Eagles in Cannabis Law: Attorneys who navigate the intricate dance of cannabis and privacy, you’re the stars I’m steering by.

* Cannabis Cultivators, Brokers, Chefs, and Delivery-Only Businesses: From every corner of the globe, I want to connect, learn from you, and explore potential partnerships. You’re the currents that guide my journey.

And here’s the kicker—I’m not just sailing these seas for the thrill of it. 

I’m building something that’s NEEDED: My Data Privacy Consulting Firm. 

This isn’t about just making waves; it’s about creating a L E G A C Y.

This next chapter in my life is called #Turbulence2Triumph , and it's more than a mantra:

It’s MY Manifesto, and Baby. I’m about to be on the Fucking MOVE.

I’m about transforming challenges into groundbreaking successes, and I want y’all in this regatta.

If you’re more basic than the pH of Baking Soda, please stay your ass away from Me and My Team.

If you’ve got insights, connections, or you’re just feeling the vibe and want to contribute to the cause, REACH OUT. 

’m not just navigating the future, Baby, I’m creating it.

Stay audacious, unbounded, and ungovernable (at least on Saturdays), 


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