烏克蘭總統美國國會演說:I have a dream…

烏克蘭總統美國國會演說:I have a dream…

Mar 16, 2022

烏克蘭總統Zelenskyy繼在英國國會引用莎士比亞和邱吉爾的名句撼動英國後,今天在美國國會引送馬丁路德金的名句「l have a dream!」,以感動美國,爭取禁飛區的要求,又毋忘911及偷襲珍珠港的空襲事件與美國產生連結,以突顯烏克蘭上空現正面對的危機。

總統Zelenskyy再次在全場站立拍掌中開始演說。在請求美國同意設立禁飛區(no fly zone)時表示,「請記著珍珠港,1941年12月7日那個可怕的早上,轟炸機在你們的上空遮天蔽日。」

"Remember Pearl Harbor, terrible morning of December 7, 1941, when your sky was black from the planes attacking you.”


“Just remember it, remember, September the 11th, a terrible day in 2001 when evil tried to turn US cities into battlefields, when innocent people were attacked from air, just like nobody else expected it and you could not stop it.”


“ Our country experiences the same, every day, right now at this moment, every night, for three weeks now.”


“Russia has turned the Ukrainian sky into a source of death for thousands of people."


"'l have a dream .' these words are known to each of you today. I have a need, a need to protect our sky. I need your help."



"You are the leader of your grand nation. I wish you to be the leader of the world. Being the leader of the world means to be the leader of peace."



相關新聞:https://news.sky.com/story/ukraine-war-president-zelenskyy-tells-us-congress-to-remember-pearl-harbor-and-911-attacks-12567617 Ukraine war: President Zelenskyy tells US Congress to 'remember' Pearl Harbor and 9/11 attacks

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