Courage is contagious: Zelensky

Courage is contagious: Zelensky

Dec 07, 2022


美國時代雜誌剛宣布2022年度全球風雲人物,由以勇氣感染國民以至全球的烏克蘭總統Zelensky獲得。雜誌編輯表示,這是記憶所及歷來決定最清晰的一次。(most clear-cut in memory)

「在一個已經由分化定義的世界𥚃,我們圍繞著這個因由和國家走團結起了。」Edward Felsenthal表示。

"In a world that had come to be defined by its divisiveness, there was a coming together around this cause, around this country."


"Zelensky's success as a wartime leader has relied on the fact that courage is contagious." 

還記起在今年2月24日開戰後,美國總統拜登向Zelensky 提供專機到美國避災時,他悲壯而霸氣地回應,「我需要彈藥,不需要送我一程!」其實從那一刻開始,他的勇氣已感染了全球。

“I need ammunition, not a ride!” 這一句亦已經寫入歷史𥚃。



圖:Time Magazine 


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