NAFO Public Education Forum - Production ...

NAFO Public Education Forum - Production One

Dec 18, 2023

Dec. 13, 2023

NAFO Public Education Forum – Production One

Disinformation affects us all, especially during times of war and social upheaval. Over the past century, the Russian Federation and its predecessors have created and promoted misleading narratives (propaganda).

The corrosive effects of this propaganda, combined with corruption and state power, produce monstrous creations such as terrorist organizations, local wars, human trafficking and so much more evil and has an impact on important political outcomes. We are being lied to by a state actor, with the express purpose of disrupting rational discourse and undermining our democracies.

The question is what can we do about it?

My name is Fella Gavril Ducu and with these words I am founding the NAFO Public Education Forum. This Forum will be a vehicle to combat the destructive effects of Russian propaganda and disinformation, against democracies worldwide.

Education forums allow people to share ideas and information both inside and outside a group.  Through the exchange of information and ideas, forums can foster new strategies and approaches, as well as reaching new, more global audiences - which is the key to cultivating real change

Today NAFO has access to a vast array of knowledge and experience from an immense pool of talented individuals. We have already developed many tools to counter disinformation and propaganda in some arenas and I believe our potential to expand that is limitless, if we were better organized.

Our forum would give a focus for our shared principles and perspectives, express our collective opposition to propaganda that impacts Ukraine, and be a global amplifier for NAFO.

Our forum would aim to bring disparate international voices together, as disinformation is now a worldwide problem yet thrives by playing on national specific issues. Dividing international cohesion.

Very few of our talented Fellas, who have so much to contribute, have a platform from which to reach a broader international audience outside of either NAFO or our opposition.

Our forum will coordinate world wide messaging, information dispersion, point out bad actors, limit the influence bad actors currently have on our media, and even change political outcomes.

A forum can force policy changes, hire lawyers, hold copyrights, organize and publish, teach, push educational programs in schools and universities and effect global change. Think about it! But we have to start somewhere.

Our forum will give individual amplification to voices that today are struggling to break through the Active Measures influence operations run by russia.

NAFO Education Forum is an over-the-horizon project. It is a long term plan that requires patience, focus and funding in order to teach future generations about disinformation and its effect on the world, as well as educate the world on how to protect themselves and their families from the destructive effects of weaponized propaganda. Because once you know you know.

With education we can put an end to the ugly impact Russian disinformation and propaganda is having on our world today and potentially take the lessons learnt over Ukraine and bring them to other countries under similar threats.

Please join me as founding members, regular supporters, or just interested or curious observers.

Any help to get this project off the ground will be welcomed and respected.

A million small voices, but we can sing together.

Woof, woof!

Gavil Ducu

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