sUAS News has been surfacing drone stories since 2008, and I have no idea how to make this less cringeworthy!
I would really appreciate it if you were to buy me a coffee, which might even be a beer!
I have no idea what I might offer if this were a Patreon call to action, so why don't we just keep it to the odd coffee in exchange for free drone news!
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Someone ha comprado 5 coffees .

Listening to Drone & Sundry today I heard you thank someone for Buying you a Coffee and you were unable to figure out who that was from the email address. I know I always have to explain what my email is all about as, when asked for it, people get a strange look on their face and I can tell they are trying to figure it out. If you weren’t talking about me you can disregard the rest of this message.Never knew how the Buy me a Coffee (or beer) worked so thought I would try it a couple of weeks ago. I usually can’t make the Tuesday afternoon live broadcast on YouTube here in the USA so I end up listening afterwards, sometime over the next few days. I always enjoy listening as I get other things done. I am retired and only fly a couple of small drones for fun but enjoy hearing about them and all the controversy, operation, new developments, whatever comes up each week. But mainly I enjoy the humor and camaraderie that goes on and thought I would give a little money to show my appreciation for your putting this on every week.I figured people donated every once in a while but am now not so sure and wondering if maybe I am jumping to a wild conclusion that you were talking about me. Thought that would be a way to give a little while maintaining a bit of anonymity and not looking to be called out on air. Anyway, I am retired from working as a botanist (US Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management) in western Wyoming (so wybtny for WYoming BoTaNY) and now living in Idaho. No background in aviation or electronics but interested in HAM radio and now trying to understand drones while just having fun.Probably way too much to read so you should have stopped after the first paragraph, if not the first sentence.Jim