Appreciating simple things

Appreciating simple things

Apr 22, 2023

Hello everyone and welcome to my page and my name is Rosanne Hernandez from the Philippines and ganymede12283 is my pen name for my creative works that I have made.

My content is all about appreciating simple things and the more candid and raw the better because it gives more expression and for some may have different interpretation of what we see which is a bit interesting.

And another thing that makes me create this page is I realized that there are also beautiful things we encounter in our lives that sometimes we take it for granted because we are too pre-occupied with our works and commitments in which it makes unhappy and look for the things that is not available for our happiness but we don't realize that happiness comes from within and what is available.

The post that will be making would be about the places that I visited, appreciating good food, posting some articles & commentaries about self improvement, life and my Freelancing journey and my artworks and reviews about some services and items that encountered.

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Thank you for your support and have a great day.

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