EVERYTHING, All at Once! President Jill ...

EVERYTHING, All at Once! President Jill, Where's Joe?

Sep 23, 2024

This election cycle has been one of the most difficult to predict. There’s a bit of everything going on, with the real Joe Biden seemingly fading from view, only to be replaced by what I call "Tall Joe." This version of Biden is noticeably lankier (long legs), younger-looking, and much more energetic than the original, who, in my opinion, has already been quietly sidelined. Tall Joe’s even been seen jokingly wearing a "Make America Great Again" Trump cap and spending time at the beach with his "wife", Jill.

As I mentioned in a previous post, I predicted several potential outcomes for the presidency. One possibility was that Jill Biden would step in to fill the void left by the real Joe. And here we are, with Jill holding cabinet meetings on behalf of her elusive husband!

However, this situation can’t last forever. At some point, Tall Joe will have to sign executive orders himself, as the puppetmasters behind the scenes try to get as much done before Trump’s team possibly takes over. But faking signatures isn’t easy, and having Tall Joe do it could expose the entire charade.

Enter President Kamala Harris, which fulfills my earlier prophecy that the Democrats would introduce the first female president of color. Admittedly, my 2016 prediction wasn’t completely accurate (I thought Michelle Obama would take the stage), but it’s clear the Democrats have squandered an opportunity to legally hold onto the White House for another term.

So, here we are in the middle of a whirlwind: "Doctor" Jill acting as de facto president, an oddly different Tall Joe Biden skipping key cabinet meetings, and an unpopular Democratic nominee who’s on the verge of losing critical swing states. On top of that, there are ongoing threats of assassinations and attempts to imprison Trump if he wins.

American politics has become a circus, and we’re likely to pay for it in the form of a currency collapse in the coming years. Ironically, this could turn out to be a blessing, as it might force a significant downsizing of our federal government by 2029-2030.

More on that later. For now, I’m excited to announce that members can download my new "Love Comes Last" ebook for free! It offers unique insights into how I approach my clients' relationships based on their Life Paths. You can also grab the Kindle version for free on Amazon through Wednesday, and the print version will be available soon on a number of platforms including Amazon —stay tuned!


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