Kuriboh (Girl) - TNR 001 (Adopted)

Kuriboh (Girl) - TNR 001 (Adopted)

Feb 22, 2021

Kuriboh is a small size tri color cat, she's a timid girl when we first meet her, we try our best to feed her as often as possible, and thanks to our effort she got comfortable around us. 
Understanding Kuriboh is getting close to her mature age, and her body size is at a high risk if undergo pregnancy, we bring her back to our place and plan for her TNR, she's a energize playful girl, spending most of her time climbing inside the cage.
We neutered her on 17/02/21, and she is now taking her time to rest her wound, but due to her energize nature, she started her daily climbing exercise the next day.
The next step now is to either find her a owner, or releasing her back to original ground.

Size comparison of Kuriboh and another cat (Dou Ding) we often feed:

Kuriboh is a playful cat, she also enjoy the company of our house cat, so we do let her out of cage often to stretch and play, but she does bite a LOT.

We trying to find her adopter for all this while, but unfortunately we never receive any feed back, so on 06/03/2021, we need to release her back to the feeding ground, the only mistake we did is that we open the carrier too soon, so Kuriboh just ran off.
The right way is actually to put the carrier on the ground for while, play with her outside the gate, let her to be comfortable with surrounding, then only release.

Anyhow, she is a neutered grown cat now, and we know she can always find her way, like how she found us the first time.

After few day of feeding, Kuriboh is back to see us, we even able to touch her, which means she still remember us, our heart is touched.

This is the first night we saw her:

This is her being her usual her:

Sometime we will feed her at night too if we don't see her on the day, or when we have extra time for feeding:

Kuriboh was adopted on 04/02/2021, we got a call from a friend's friend who is looking for a new cat, we send some images but the adopter eye was caught by kuriboh, we are really glad that she like Kuriboh, so we immediately arrange time to head to the feeding ground to look for Kuriboh, luckily Kuriboh was nearby, so without hesitation, we call her over, pet her abit, and put her into the carrier.

She was alittle shocked from our action, but this is what we should do, being a stray cat even is TNR cat, is still a huge risk, our feeding area cats is increasing, soon or later the resident might complaint about stray cats issue.

Thank you for following Kuriboh story, i hope more strays cat will be TNR and adopted.


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