Es una metáfora amigable, no es un verdadero coffee. Cada "coffee" cuesta £5 y puedes comprar tantos como desees.
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Acerca de Funday
finding fun things to do in Sheffield!
Funday was created to solve the daily dilemma - ‘What shall we do today?’!
If you've found the information useful please feel free to buy us a coffee!
Thanks so much!
Poppy and Tom - Co-founders of Funday Sheffield.
Seguidores recientes
Elizabeth Spivey ha comprado un coffee .
So kind of you! Thank you so much 😊
Katie ha comprado un coffee .
Fabulous website! Keep up the great work you're doing.
Thanks to your website, I've already made a list of all the new places I want to take my daughter too.
Thank you so much. So kind of you. I will do my best to keep it useful!