The terms decentralization, federation, and democratization all carry a historical association with the redistribution of absolute authority. After the French Revolution, the term "décentralisation" was popularized as French libertarians worked to decentralize the powers held by the monarchy. The terms federation and democratization also have strong origins to the era. So when techno-libertarians...
(Draft) Decentralization
Apr 10, 2024
Whenever I think about updating my robots.txt file, I can't help but feel a little like Robert Neville hanging garlic on his front door. Is it enough to deter the vampires? Who knows, but why risk it? Also, like my favorite Richard Matheson Novella, I wonder if, during some unknown spot in our digital timeline, we became the things that bump in the night. We are now the alien element amongst the o...
We are legend? Some thoughts on robots.txt
Jan 06, 2024