TraumaFell Chapter 1

TraumaFell Chapter 1

Dec 07, 2023

-- Many routes prior...


Sans snapped awake and looked around for a moment, bringing up a hand to his face and rubbing his fingers in irritation along the crack above his right eye. "what?! the fuck you want?!" He was half awake and clearly not thinking straight.

The door to his room slammed open with a loud BANG!! "WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY TO ME YOU LAZY PIECE OF SHIT?!" A much taller skeleton whos face looked just as scarred as his older brother's shouted as he burst into the room in a fit.


Whoops, oh right, he forgot. "whoop! r-right boss, sorry, i'm up!"

"WELL, IT'S ABOUT TIME, MOVE YOUR LAZY BONES AND HURRY IT UP!" He snapped, grabbing and re-slamming the door closed again as he left.

Sans sighed, shuffling himself to the side of the bed and slid his feet off, onto the floor. He had forgotten in his half awake stupor just how much worse Papyrus had been since he joined the Royal Guard and took over for Undyne as captain.

He had been so proud of him for it at first, heck he was still proud. But he had taken the work home with him, taking his stress out on Sans and had turned from the sweet baby bones he had adored so much to a cruel and calculating monster.

How many of his scars had come from Papyrus over other monsters? He couldn't even remember. But honestly he just wanted his sweet little ambitious brother back. This monster that had replaced him really made him unnerved.

"I CAN'T HEAR YOU MOVING!" Papyrus snapped up at the ceiling, making Sans jump up and off the bed in a hurry!

Without a moment more to think it over, Sans hurried his cloths on, nearly stumbling as he staggered, pulling up a sock. "sh-shit!" He stuttered out as he managed to catch himself, only to grab his jacket and yanked it on as he slipped his feet into his sneakers in a hurry.

And, shoom, gone. In a burst of magic he vanished, appearing at his sentry lookout post. Head dropping down and clunking onto the wood shelf as he heaved out a shakey breath. "fuuuuuuck..."

Chh.. chh.. chh...

What was that? Sans's head shot up suddenly as he caught notice of the sound of feet making contact with and sinking into snow.

Chh.. chh.. chh...

The skeleton stood fully now, eyes narrowing as he growled softly to himself. What now? No one should be out this way. This area was off limits for children to play in. Only the sentry and royal guards should be roaming on patrol and the others never came this far away from their post.

Chh.. chh.. chh...

He had to remain calm, but he could hear it coming closer in the distance.

Chh.. chh...

A pause. It was almost painful. Why did they stop?

"Sans?" A familiar voice. Female, but rough. Oh! "hey undyne, what's up? what are you doing out here?"

The skeleton released the tension his bones felt and he stepped out from behind the post to roam over to the blue fish woman. She stood taller than him, with one hand on her hip and the other brought up to move the metal helmet from her head. A red mohawk brushed by it mildly as she glared down at him tiredly with her one good eye.

"Papyrus wanted me to make sure you got here on time so he had me do a check up on you. I made sure to come out early enough to meet you when you got here." She stated dryly and honestly, rather unamused. The fish woman had a look on her face that told him she really rather not be there.

"ehhh... sorry about that undyne, paps has been honestly letting this whole royal guard thing go to his head." He stated honestly.

"Yeah... I didn't realize he was going to be like this after he.. took over..." She looked off to the side, seeming in thought as she growled in frustration. The very fact that she had never lost any fight in her time since becoming captain, only for her to lose it all in her first loss... it seemed like she wasn't taking it too well.

"hey, come on undyne, you're still great. just cause you lost one match doesn't--ghh!"

With a turn and a snap, she grabbed him by his sweatshirt and lifted him up from the collar, staring deep and heatedly into his sockets as rage burned. "You shut your fucking mouth Sans!! Don't you ever mention that again or I'll make Papyrus at a loss of one sibling and become an only child!!"

The grin he had been wearing when talking her moments before had switched to a frown in no time flat as he rose his hands, palms out in distressed submittance. "e-eaaaasy undyne. i didn't mean nothin' by it. i promise, i won't mention it to ya again, swear."

She seemed content enough with that and slowly lowered him back down until the flats of his feet touched the snow.

Without another word spoken, she merely said all she had left with that death glare she gave him, as she turned her body. A few moments of staring before she fully decided to leave. Turning her back to him and making her way gradually back.

Sans waited till she was a fair distance away, but still in earshot before calling out in as cheerful a tone as he could muster while giving a wave of his hand. "bye undyne." She made no effort to even look back, she merely waved a hand down in frustration and gave a huff as she vanished eventually out of sight.

Welp... that was a close one. Two close calls in one morning and it wasn't even a half hour since he woke up. Hmm.. maybe it might be better to take today a bit more seriously...

Fssh! And gone.

Frisk stood at the Ruins door, staring down at her feet in frustration. The snow was cold but she didn't seem quite set on the idea of moving just yet.

She had just managed to get away from that psychotic bitch who killed her so many times. Why would she want to honestly move any further? What was the rest of this place like if the Ruins had been that bad?

Well... no time to sit there and contemplate it further. Her feet were so cold she couldn't even feel her toes right now. Frostbite? Maybe? Nah... probably just too cold from not moving. It'll be fiiiine.

Sans hovered behind a tree, appearing just in time to see her starting to walk forward down the trail. Wait... what was that? It couldn't be... 'Oh, this day just keeps getting better!' he snapped inwardly to himself.

Quietly, he followed, tugging up the hood of his jacket to conceal his face as much as possible. The human was moving rather slow and he could tell she was on edge by the way she darted her focus around. It was as if she expected something to jump out at her at any time.

Huh... smart kid, good instincts.

Fssh! And he was behind her, merely standing there after watching her intentionally step over a stick in the path. He decided to play with her, purposefully putting enough weight on the stick to snap it once she made it a certain distance away. Just to watch as she spun around moments after he had already vanished from sight back hidden behind a tree again.

A snicker and a grin. He couldn't help it as he watched their panic, searching eyes dart around in her head.

From what he could gather they didn't look that old. Scrawny little thing, short and seemed like they might be around thirteen or so. Their hair looked a mess of dirt, snow and webs. Probably due to her trek through the ruins. He could see blood and burns on them too. Even their cloths looked singed.

Honestly, she was pitiful. The bruises on her face didn't help either. Someone smacked her good. She must have had a rough time of it for sure getting through there and he noticed after she started walking again that there was a clear limp. Was that blood on her pants?

Whatever. He had a job to do.

She sighed as she made it up to what seemed like a bridge. It looked old and unsteady but usable. Not that she saw a choice for another way around it. Maybe she could sit down there to clean some of the snow from her boots. Just a few taps should be fine.

But as she went to step up on it, a voice, deep and gravely, spoke up behind her. It made her freeze up instantly.


A shudder rushed over her entire body. She didn't move. It was like she had caught the gaze of a predator and she felt like movement would make it strike.

"come on now, you ain't bein' very nice. don't you know how to greet a new friend? turn around... and take my hand."

She moved slowly, turning in a careful and cautious movement. Only to see a figure looming over her, hand out, an ominous aura coming off them as they towered her tiny frame. A wide, sharp white grin, only with a singular tooth replaced with gold. Dark, glaring eyes that pierced through her like judging daggers of red from under their hood. But a hand held out towards her despite it. An offer.

She moved her focus slowly toward it as she hesitantly brought up a hand to take his. Not realizing till the moment her finger tips touched cold bone and he snatched her hand swiftly and firmly... that stabbing pain!

"Aaahh!!" A spike went through her palm, blood dripped from her hand as an electric charge zapped through her body. And suddenly, everything went black...

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