Es una metáfora amigable, no es un verdadero coffee. Cada "coffee" cuesta $2 y puedes comprar tantos como desees.
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I already know I will not be able to deserve your help. But I am grateful that you think of helping me. I hope I can one day return the favor.
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Friendship AND advice on your Tinder/Bumble/IG photos to help you attract girls like me. Within a 1 week time frame.
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Same as dating but faster
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Boyfriend AND a morning selfie that I take within minutes of waking up. It will not be anything naughty 😅
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Fiance AND photos of daily, handwritten love letters that I write to my future husband. The letters will be about things I would be grateful for, things I want to cook every day, and how I will become better as a wife.
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Acerca de FreyaColombiana
Hi. Learning English for more work opportunities so my parents will not need to work so hard to take care of us.