About Mike
creating guitar theory eureka 💡 moments
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It's useful to spend some time on individual tones/intervals and how they interact with chords. Some intervals, like this one, have a rather special function. In this lesson (an excerpt from my Chord Connections course ), we look specifically at the 4th (long name, perfect fourth ) over major chords. The 4th is typically considered a "passing tone" over major (e.g. a major triad or maj7). It funct...
Building The 4th Bridge
Feb 25, 2023
Pentatonic scales can be seen as a form of omission. That is, we omit tones from the fuller, seven-tone (or heptatonic) scales to which they're native. This omission of tones serves a key purpose that often goes unmentioned - to help us forge different melodic/phrasing pathways through a scale and over related chords. While the standard major and minor pentatonic scales were, for most of us, initi...
How Many of These Pentatonic Scales Do You Know?
Nov 09, 2022
If you haven't already seen it, check out my three-part series on the sliding technique with accompanying video. It'll take you right from the basics to more advanced uses of the technique. Hope you find it valuable and thank you for your support! Part 1 - Introduces you to the basic sliding technique, ensuring you can target and time them accurately on any string, at any fret. Part 2 - Here we ge...
Three-Part Sliding Masterclass
Oct 13, 2022