Why buy me a coffee?

Why buy me a coffee?

Aug 19, 2021

That’s a fair question friends and I have a fair and reasonable answer. I’m currently writing 4 projects at the moment with more itching to get out there.

I recycle weekly, which helps pay artists I commission to illustrate my comics, and put my own savings in also where I can. I love recycling for ethical reasons but also the knowledge that I support great artists who support their own families overseas.

I am so grateful to the support of some truly wonderful people out there who’ve donated and bought my books which means the world to me. I set this up, so hopefully we can work together and make visions come to life.

Currently working on:

  • Freakenstein #3

  • DAMIEN #1 (Manga)

  • A Game of Two Evils

  • A Furious Tale (Third and final novel)

  • Merchandise

  • My first children’s book

Cheers for the support and buying me a coffee!

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