Tartan Kiltwalk

Tartan Kiltwalk

Apr 22, 2024

Scotland In April. This is the month we often have Tartan Kiltwalks. Due to the pandemic these were mainly virtual this year.

However, I tracked down one group who did a real Tartan Kiltwalk. Thomas Haywood and his fellow members of the TGI Edinburgh chapter of Business Network International (BNI) managed an extraordinarily successful one. Each member socially distanced.

They created a six-mile loop, encompassing much of the Water of Leith, in Edinburgh.

The group, led by Thomas, walked in aid of the Uphill Trust. Together, they raised the fantastic sum of £2,000!

The Hunter Foundation boosted all the cash raised in this year's walk - as they have done in previous years - by 50%. The Foundation was established by entrepreneurial Scottish tycoon Sir Tom Hunter in 1998.

BNI is a terrific way for businesses to network. Due to COVID restrictions in Scotland, they have not been able to meet other than through Zoom for many months. Two members of their Chapter - who joined during COVID - had never yet been to an in-person meeting!

The Uphill Trust is a fantastic charity, funded to support the development of Uphill Junior School. The man inspired to bring about creation of the Trust was Niall "Max "MacDonald. He got to know the school whilst researching his roots in West Uganda. The children "Max" met inspired him. As did the purpose of the school in developing an educational facility on a poorly kept plot of rented land. A vision Uphill Junior school had little funding to help them achieve.

Thanks to personal donations made through the MacDonald family, the school soon had roofs on their classrooms, made of corrugated iron sheets. A water tank and essential classroom equipment were then provided. Subsequent establishment of the Uphill Trust enabled regular funding, ensuring the wonderful children of a remote Ugandan village finally had the money desperately needed to meet their vision. Providing high quality education to the children of their remote Ugandan village.

If this story inspires you, you can also make a difference by donating through this link, which takes you to the official website of the Uphill Trust. Even sharing this post with your many friends will help. Thank you.

Do enjoy some lovely images from the day below. You will see lots of blossom and Scottish spring sunshine.

You may also enjoy reading about the very introduction of tartan here.

Until next time, my friends.


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