
Oct 19, 2022

Hello folks!

We just added a Wishlist to our BMAC page - a number of supporters have been asking if there's any new kit we would like to add to our setup - well, yes there certainly is!

We've been using Blackmagic Design products for some time now - we stream using the Atem Mini Pro, an amazing tool that does all the streaming, leaving PCs free to do their own jobs, and a Blackmagic Camera that we leased a couple of years ago and have now paid for in full.

BM offers a range os 4k Studio Cameras that would be perfect for our purposes - they could be permanently installed in the organ room and they integrate seamlessly with the Atem Mini Streamer, allowing Vanessa the Director more freedom and creativity during the concerts!

We also added a lighting upgrade - let's face it, you can never have enough light!

On top of that, we have updated our Membership levels here on BMAC, now in line with our Patreon memberships. Regular supporters can now join us here, free of the commissions of PayPal and Patreon! 😁

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