Frank Monday
13 sostenitori
Check Out Jon Levi on YouTube!!!

Check Out Jon Levi on YouTube!!!

Mar 12, 2023

"Jon drove his vehicle up the winding road on a journey to a destination unknown. It wasn't that he didn't have a goal in mind, he did. But it was the wandering nature of the Dao he followed; which leads to everywhere and nowhere at once. The black magick of that secret brew fueled his endeavors into the unknown, beyond the veil of the everyday-man. Mindful of the subtler things in life, unanchored by the vicissitudes that drive most people to despair, he roamed free in a world that many of us long to experience. He embraced the endless flow of self-discovery." ~FFM2023

Make sure you guys check out Jon Levi on YouTube. He adds a lot of value to the platform and is a fun way to finish the week with wonder and exploration. Hope you enjoy!

Your friend and well-wisher, Frank Monday

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