Season Earth Changelog (0.01.019)

Season Earth Changelog (0.01.019)

Nov 16, 2021

Season Earth is the very first Foxtrot season. It's the biggest update since the Beta release.


The new update comes with lots of bug fixes, including the infamous Fall damage bug.

New sniper rifle "Zinger L12"

Weapon level unlock

Photo below.

16:10 and 4:3 Aspect ratios support (Experimental)

You can now play on school computers without annoying letterboxing. Experimental feature.

Server choose

Now you can change the server to get a better connection.

Movement changes

Run speed increased, Walk speed increased, Slide time and speed increased

Room waiting lobby

Before the match starts, there is a waiting lobby.

New PayPal payment gateway

Now you can buy Coins easily within a minute thanks to the new PayPal payment choice. You can still buy coin keys with the BMaC shop.

New drop kits visual

Photo below.

Friend system removed

The friend system was removed due to the high risk of stream sniping. We will try to solve the issue by creating a whole new system soon.

Graphic update

The graphic was improved.

Experimental AI bot support for Capture the Flag

AI now can play Capture the flag. I hope so. Experimental feature.

Server player size increased (Experimental)

In Team Deathmatch: 10 players at once; In Gun Game: 9 players at once. This may affect FPS on slower computers. Please share your feedback on Twitter with us! Experimental feature.

Play as guest option

Now you can play Foxtrot without creating an account. However, you will lose your progression after logging out from the guest account. You will also be unable to create your own rooms, access the Clan menu, or fully use the Shop feature.

Faster leveling

The level system was edited and leveling is now faster than ever.

New UI visuals

UI, including menu, was edited, photo below.

AI behavior improvement

Bots are now smarter. A bit.

Built-in console (Experimental)

Foxtrot now contains a built-in dev console. The console can be opened by SHIFT + ESC. Experimental feature.

Animations improvement

Animations now look better. Still suck tho

Recon is now Scout

We renamed Recon to Scout, but the class loadout is the same.

Ballance changes

Shotgun, 590 Shockwave, SMG, Revolver nerfed
Timmigun buffed

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