Forget The Box is Collateral Damage

Forget The Box is Collateral Damage

Aug 07, 2023

Canada's Bill C-18 is a battle between two behemoths, the federal government and Big Tech. As this battle reached a new level with Meta and Google officially removing Canadian news from their platforms, Forget The Box became collateral damage. To be clear: Forget The Box is an arts magazine, covering local Montreal ground level and underground artists. We do not produce any content resembling news. And yet, Meta chose to censor Forget The Box on their platforms, limiting our Instagram account and deleting our Facebook page. As a fledgling not-for-profit, we depend on those social media platforms to advertise our hard work. Without them, we're nearly invisible.

Money raised on Buy Me A Coffee (or, a beer, rather) will directly benefit Forget The Box during this difficult time by assisting us in buying advertising for our site. Without access to our social media platforms, specifically Meta's, we must find alternative ways to continue to reach new audiences.

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