Want to gain support for your Forest Sch ...

Want to gain support for your Forest School programmes?

Mar 26, 2024

Shhhh…. Can I let you in on a secret?


Every single Forest School programme I’ve worked on initially started as a short term ‘taster’ programme. Undervalued, and considered a ‘nice add on’ but not really core to the curriculum.

In my past FS projects I’ve had to ‘prove’ that Forest School:

·       Supports the ‘Every Child Matters’ agenda

·       Meets the Early Years Foundation Stage & Foundation Stage Profile

·       Improves motivation to write and writing quality

·       Improves attendance

·       Supports emotional regulation

·       Can support career pathways for young people

And more…


Through action research, those short term pilots gained the support of decision makers and turned into full Forest School programmes, some spanning several years.

And I want to share how I did this with you.

Join me for a live lecture ‘Evaluate to Advocate – How to gain support for your Forest School programme using action research.

On Monday 22nd April, 7.30-9pm (UK time) online via zoom.

Register for FREE here -

During this webinar I will share with you the process I’ve used to persuade decision-makers to invest in Forest School by showing them how it ticks their boxes as well as providing the holistic benefits for the participants.

If you’d like a taster of the process I used, do check out my latest video – Evaluate to Advocate – How to gain support for your Forest School

If you’d like to dive deeper into the process and start winning over decision makers to invest in your Forest School register now for your place on the live lecture on 22nd April.

Hope to see you there

Best Woodlandy Wishes



P.S. You may notice in the recent video that the sound quality is pants – my camera is broken and won’t talk to my mic ☹ I need to save up for a new camera asap so our videos will have better audio quality. If you would like to help me, please ‘buy me a coffee’ - https://www.buymeacoffee.com/forestschoollou If everyone gave as little as a £1 it would be enough to get a new camera! I don’t like to ask, but things are a bit tight at the moment!

P.P.S. Did you know that my lovely members on Buy me a Coffee get access to the recordings and resources from past live lectures. At the moment there is a ‘Planning for Play’ one available - https://www.buymeacoffee.com/forestschoollou/membership  

P.P.P.S. If you have any helpers looking to start their Forest School journey, I still have a few places available on a level 1 Introduction to Forest School course in Norfolk (UK) on 17th & 18th April 2024. Check my website or email me for more details – www.birchwoodlearning.com

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