'Timeless Wandering' in July

'Timeless Wandering' in July

Jul 10, 2024

Have you ever lost yourself in something so captivating of your attention that all sense of time vanished?

Perhaps as a child you roamed the woods and fields (or if like me you lived in an urban jungle, the streets and parks) making discoveries and only returning home when your tummy told you it was tea time?

Do you remember how it felt… that sense of timelessness?

The freedom, the connection the creativity…

With the shrinking free-range territories of childhood, the gift of timelessness is now a rare one. Parental fears, screentime and the growth of organised activities/clubs has diminished outdoor play experiences in modern childhoods.

But at what cost?

Here’s where Forest School can step in – we can offer people the chance to feel what it’s like to get so absorbed in play they lose all track of time. We can ‘hold time’ for the groups we work with allowing flow to emerge, encourage ‘wandering’ and ‘drifting’ without judgement or expectations.   

Let’s make time for timelessness!  

If you would like to explore how we can encourage ‘timeless wandering’  as a cultural element to support deep nature connection at Forest School, join us for our next Community Connection Call (CCC):

July CCC - ‘Timeless Wandering’ – Tuesday 16th July 2024, 8-9.15pm (UK time)

Register for free - https://buymeacoffee.com/forestschoollou/e/275538

Join us live online to connect, chat, share (and laugh!) with other groovy Forest School folk. 


Wishing you many ‘timeless’ Summer Wanderings

Lou & Lily-Roe


P.S. If you are new to Jon Youngs work and the ‘Cultural Elements’ here is a 20 minute video introducing the model - https://youtu.be/Oo-HyjwrsLM?si=JLNXNU-XFM1bsrlQ


P.P.S. If you’re curious to experience deep nature connection and living as a ‘village’ there is a ‘Nature Culture Connection Camp’ happening in the UK this Summer. Find out more here - https://natureculturenetwork.org/connection-camp/ 

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