'Growing Holistically' in June

'Growing Holistically' in June

Jun 07, 2023

Have you experienced this? I have.

Nature does not know separateness.

It grows, evolves, merges, overlaps, connects and weaves a beautiful unimaginably complex web of life.

It is truly holistic.

We are part of Nature, we are part of that web, thus we are truly holistic.

Yet we live in a modern world where society and science tries to compartmentalise us into neat little pieces that can be boxed up and dealt with in an orderly fashion.

We are more than the sum of our parts. Just like the rest of Nature.

And we cannot exist independent of the whole. Just like the rest of Nature.

We are in it together.

One of the six principles of Forest School is that it “aims to promote the holistic development of all involved, fostering resilient, confident, independent and creative learners.”

Within mainstream education, holistic development may be familiar to those working with the Early Years, but once children hit Year 1 those curriculum subjects tend to get more priority.

Why do we compartmentalise learning into ‘subjects’?

And why do we compartmentalise children by age?

Our brains, bodies, hearts & spirits are not compartmentalised, despite efforts of modern society to make it so.

A new born baby enters this world with innate curiosity and near infinite potential for growth. Why should this be limited in later years by ‘curriculum’ and ‘assessment criteria’.

Wouldn’t it make more sense (and be a lot easier!) to support the natural growth and development of a human being?

·       Recognising and following their individual interests and questions – NOT having to create numerous unrelated lessons

·       Going at their own pace and overcoming problems as they occur – NOT waiting until the curriculum tells you it is the time to achieve X,Y or Z.

·       Being excited, curious and intrinsically motivated to discover about the world – NOT having to bribe, coerce or threaten learners to do their work

·       Nurturing the body, brain, heart and spirit of a person simultaneously through living and being – NOT separating out parts of a person into someone else’s hierarchy

What do you think?

If you want to connect and explore more about how we can promote holistic development for everyone at Forest School, join us for our next Community Connection Call (CCC) where we will be exploring this FS principle together.

June’s CCC - ‘Growing Holistically’ – Tuesday 13th June 2023, 8-9.15pm (UK time)

Register for free - https://www.buymeacoffee.com/forestschoollou/e/141563

Join us live online to connect, chat, share (and laugh!) with other groovy Forest School folk. 


Oxeye Daisys swaying & Sparrows dust bathing

Lou & Lily-Roe

P.S. Here is a quick video of me & Lily-Roe chatting about the June CCC call -



P.P.S. We have also set the dates for future CCC’s (all Tuesday evenings, 8pm UK time) .

SAVE THE DATES – 15th Aug, 12th Sept, 17th Oct, 14th Nov, 12th Dec

The links for each of these will be available on my ‘extras’ page at the start of each month on my Buy me a Coffee page – www.buymeacoffee.com/ForestSchoolLou

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