About Flutter From Scratch
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Hey everyone! Just finished uploading my new video where I use flutterbloc and hive to create a simple todo app. It doesn't do a lot just yet, but I show how to lay the groundwork using the bloc pattern and persist the data using hive. It's great if you are looking to learn about how build_runner works within the context of flutter, and also how to handle navigation in tandem with a BlocConsumer. ...
Using flutter_bloc to create a todo app
Jan 29, 2022
Hey everyone, I just made a video showing how you can use API's within your Flutter project that uses flutterbloc. We also generate our API code using QuickType.io, so you don't have to write them yourself. And finally, we use connectivity_plus to detect whether our user is offline and update the UI accordingly. Full source is included, enjoy! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=265JFoIq7iE
How to use API's with Flutter Bloc 8
Jan 29, 2022