[Project] Suorafxctl v1.0.0: Configure R ...

[Project] Suorafxctl v1.0.0: Configure Roccat Suora FX keyboards on Linux!

Nov 09, 2021

A colleague recently bought a Roccat Suora FX keyboard. It is a nice keyboard... except that it displays unbearable rainbow waves by default:

This is configurable... but, of course, only on Windows. So I helped him and wrote, suorafxctl, a small tool to configure the keyboard:

➡️ https://github.com/flozz/suorafxctl

Installing suorafxctl

First, you will have to install libusb1. On Debian and Ubuntu, this can be achieved with:

sudo apt install python3-libusb1 git

Then install suorafxctl using pip:

sudo pip install suorafxctl

You can now run suorafxctl as root:

sudo suorafxctl -h

Configuring udev

If you do not want to run suorafxctl as root, you must configure udev to allow a standard user to configure the keyboard.

First create the /etc/udev/rules.d/99-roccat-suora-fx.rules with the following content:

SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="1e7d", ATTRS{idProduct}=="3246", MODE="0666"

Then force udev to update its settings:

sudo udevadm trigger

Finally, unplug / replug the keyboard to apply the changes.

Using suorafxctl

Suorafxctl is a simple CLI tool:

For example, if you want to display a static, not too bright, blue color on the keyboard, you can use the following command:

suorafxctl --effect full-lit --brightness 25 --color blue

Read more

If you want to read more about suorafxctl, I wrote an article (in French) on my blog:

➡️ https://blog.flozz.fr/2021/11/08/roccat-suora-fx-desactiver-les-arc-en-ciel-et-autres-licorneries-sous-linux/

I hop this tool will be useful to you! 😉️

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