I just released Rivalcfg v4.9.0!
## What's new?
This version adds support for two new mice: the Aerox 5 Wireless Destiny 2 and Diablo IV special editions.
This version also embeds HIDAPI v0.14 that fixes an issue on macOS Ventura. The application was not able to find the right endpoint to communicate with the device due to a change in the macOS HID driver.
## Installing or updating Rivalcfg on Linux
Rivalcfg can be installed from PyPI with the following commands:
$ sudo apt install build-essential python3-pip python3-dev python3-setuptools libusb-1.0-0-dev libudev-dev
$ sudo pip3 install rivalcfg
$ sudo rivalcfg --update-udev
To update an already installed Rivalcfg version (if installed using PyPI):
$ sudo pip3 install --upgrade rivalcfg
$ sudo rivalcfg --update-udev
More installation methods and explanations can be found in the documentation:
➡️ https://flozz.github.io/rivalcfg/install.html