Although we are a Catholic Community, we do not create “Catholic Art,” per se. This is not a community of Rosary Beaders and Holy Card Printers. We LOVE that type of art, but creating specifically Catholic products is not the point of our organization. In fact, we put absolutely no limits on what type of products our creators make, or how Catholic it is at first glance. We believe that all cre...
Type of Creation
Nov 27, 2020
65 Visualizaciones
Flight House consists of 3 members currently, Elizabeth Bernadette, Ina Castillo, and Timothy Russell. This number will grow until we reach our cap of 25 amazing creators! Our creators come from all different backgrounds, with all different skill sets and perspectives on art. Whether you’re An Author A Musician A Painter A Weaver A Cartoonist A Podcaster A Videographer A Play W...
Structure of Community
Nov 27, 2020
89 Visualizaciones
Named after the home of Tim and Elizabeth Russell, Flight House is a journey into Egypt. When the creative brother and sister pair were looking for a new home, Elizabeth dedicated the journey to St. Joseph, feeling that he was leading them out of a long dryness (the stables of Bethlehem), and into a redemptive journey of trust and growth. In exchange for the great saint’s patronage, she vo...
Origin of the Name
Nov 27, 2020
99 Visualizaciones