I wanted to talk a little about what our day can look like. This isnt meant as a whine, or a moan, but to try and show what has to be done when someone in a relationship is terminally ill and struggling. This will be different at the weekends and weekdays, but a typical weekday will start at around 6am, when I get up. My sleep will have been broken, because my wife is a light sleeper and so will h...
The Day in the life of a carer
Dec 12, 2024
It seemed a momentus day in the UK last week, when parliament voted in favour of the first reading of a bill on assisted dying . This is the first step in legislation that will allow terminally ill adults with less than six months to live to be given the right to die. Theoretically this will give more ...
Assisted dying - thoughts from the perspective of a terminally ill patients carer
Dec 03, 2024
My wife has been recovering from her bout of what turned out to be Covid (described here ). Not sure where she got it from, but she had been in the hospital three times the week before. When she was well enough to not have to be sleeping, she watched alot of the Stacey Soloman program about sorting out your house. And then has spent two days emptying her w...
Sort your life out even with Covid
May 14, 2024