Firestorm Fox
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Video Game Save Stations as Explained by ...

Video Game Save Stations as Explained by Quantum Teleportation

Mar 31, 2024

So, I was playing Dust: An Elysian Tale (great game btw) and something occurred to me. In that game, the save stations (borrowing the term from Metroid) can double as teleportation stations. Hence the quantum teleportation part of the title. Now the way quantum teleportation works is person's molecules at location A are copied to a remote location B, then the original molecules are destroyed. Basically like faxing if the fax machine disintegrated the original documents. So, technically the original person is poofed out of existence and their perfect clone continues on in the new location.

Yeah, not something I'm interested in trying out any time soon but it explains save stations and how you return to them after death missing whatever progress you made after saving. So, it's like the save station stores the data of your molecules then creates a perfect copy once it receives a signal of your demise, sending out your clone to try again. This, of course, also explains why some save stations can also be used as teleportation devices. Both operations use the same technique.

Could be an interesting bit of lore to add to a video game, especially the wacky forth wall breaking kind.

Though nothing quite beats the save stations in Ty the Tasmanian Tiger. They're literally just outhouses (or dunnies, as they say in Australia).

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