How I become a Healer/Witch?

How I become a Healer/Witch?

Jul 22, 2024

Last Friday, I was invited to talk about being a Hilot Binabaylan and our Role as a bridge to the spiritual realms. It was attended by people in Danville, California as it is an in person event and was streamed live via Zoom Video Call. There are also participant attended via Zoom Call.

During the Question and Answer portion, where participants ask me question, there is one who is interested to know how I become a Healer. I also believe that most of you are interested how I become a healer.

But before I tell you my story on how I became a Healer, let me thank first the following persons:

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Now, I remember when you join a Magickal Group here in the Philippines 24 years ago, there are filtering system before you can join. Group leaders will ask you of your Family Lineage to find out if you are qualified to become a Magickal Practitioner. It seems that in order to become a magickal practitioner on those time, you must be a son or daughter of a Healer or a Witch. But in the Roman Catholic Philippines, no one will proudly say that you came from a Family of a Witch. But more accepted is you are a healer. And that is what I feel when I receive that question from an audience. But I understand because you deserve to know how i become a healer. And this video will talk about that.

Though I was not able to tell in this video this information. When my mother stop serving as a Nurse Midwife, She becomes a Birth Attendant in our Village from 1985- 1995. She usually bring me along to the house of Patient to deliver birth. And one day, there is a woman who came in our house very early in the morning and right there in our house, we help her give birth. My mother become a Village Birth Attendant and Healer which she blend her knowledge of Medical Science and Traditional Medicine. I remember that she attends class on Naturopathic Medicine and Reflexology, which when she comes back home, I read all her Learning Materials. I also read her thick books on Obstetrics and Gynecology, and other medical books and the Marks Manual which is like an instruction book that tells you what to do if there are certain symptoms appears.

Now, as I am writing this, I am realizing that my healing ability does not come from my lineage. Just like what I said in the Video that my Paternal Grand Father is a known Binisaya ( Traditional healer) in Brgy. Esperanza in the Municipality of Del Carmen in Siargao Islands, in the province of Surigao Del Norte. So, being a son or daughter of a Healer or Witch does not makes you to be a Healer or Witch. Because as a Doctor's son or Daughter does not make them also as a Doctor, unless they took up Medical Course, Graduated and obtain License to practice.

Becoming a Healer or Witch is cultivated and not inherited. Though, It would be easy to cultivate the power of being a Healer or a Witch if you have a lineage, because you already have a pattern to follow because your family already have practicing the craft. But cultivating the craft through study and practice makes you a powerful healer or a Witch. And this is the reason why we established Luntiang Aghama and Hilot Academy in order to help people Remember and Recultivate the Magick in your life.

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