Recent supporters

Kevin Dangle bought 5 Normandy Calvados.
Warmest greetings from the Pennsylvania hills in the new country! Paul, please know that your efforts are genuinely and gratefully appreciated; your podcast is the very best, by a long shot. And thanks for keeping the lighter moments of laughter as you narrate. Thinking of quitting? I say, never give in-never, never, never, give in except to convictions of producing the podcast!

Jon Watson bought 3 Normandy Calvados.
For all the hard work you do and to ensure the profile of WW2 history continues to be raised. Cheers Paul!
Particularly the effort you went to with the story of my Grandad and also the most recent publication of your dad’s book. Incredible story but also more links in that I know the house at Frome and I drive past Inveraray on a regular basis. Small world!
Thank you Paul, you are as they say in Scotland “some man”.

Mark lupton bought 3 Normandy Calvados.
Been meaning to buy you a coffee for ages , after listening to your fathers war right through Europe you deserve more than one ! What he deserved is beyond me , unbelievable and thank you both 👍