Hello there! Welcome! I'm Ferran, a Senior Software Engineer who strongly believes in the power of open-source projects and community support. My goal is to assist fellow programmers in overcoming coding challenges and unleashing their amazing ideas to change the world. You can find me actively contributing on platforms like GitHub, Stack Overflow, and Codementor and others.
To boost productivity, I rely on Notion, a versatile tool that empowers me to organize and optimize my work. Through my blog and social media channels, I share valuable insights, practical tips, and even provide customized Notion templates to aid others in their journey. I'm truly passionate about fostering collaboration and knowledge-sharing within our thriving community.
However, I also understand the practical side of things. As much as I enjoy sharing knowledge, it's necessary to sustain my web development endeavors. By indulging in a pint or two, you'll be directly fueling my progress and supporting my dream of one day creating an intelligent beer machine. Rest assured, when you visit Barcelona next time, I'll make sure to treat you to a drink!
P.S: As a way of giving back, 10% of all proceeds from my sales are donated to The Wikimedia Foundation. Together, we can contribute to the growth of knowledge and empower others worldwide.
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Someone купує 5 beers .

Someone купує beer .